Purovitalis Longevity FAQs

How should I store NMN supplements?

Our NMN is stable and can just be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Always keep them out of reach of children.

When temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius we advice to store in a refrigerator, this helps to preserve its potency and effectiveness by slowing down the degradation process caused by exposure to light, heat and humidity. It is important to make sure the container is tightly sealed to protect it from moisture and air. It’s also important to note that NMN should be protected from light and should be stored in a light-proof container. Our NMN comes in premium Miron Glass to help protect against uv and other lights.

Note: Our liposomal NMN capsules are specially formulated to protect the NMN from degradation through the use of liposomes. These tiny spheres of lipids, protect the NMN molecules from the negative effects of light, heat and humidity, allowing them to remain stable at room temperature. While it is not necessary to store them in the refrigerator, we do recommend doing so in extreme temperature conditions, as this will further help to preserve the potency and effectiveness of the NMN.