Rå Hygge, BIO Shiitake Mushroom Coffee, Whole Beans, 227g

Τιμή λιανικής
9,77 €
Τιμή λιανικής
13,95 €
Κωδικός: HYG-83612
Διαθεσιμότητα: Σε απόθεμα
Μόνο 6 σε απόθεμα
  • Dual Extract Shiitake Infused
  • Arabica Beans from Peru
  • Roasted in Sweden
  • Low Acidity (almost neutral pH)
  • Gluten Free
  • Non-GMO
  • Vegan
  • 100% Certified Organic

Dark roasted low-acid coffee with Shiitake mushrooms

Organic gourmet Shiitake Mushroom coffee offers a delightful blend of rich coffee flavor infused with the nutritional benefits of Shiitake mushrooms. This unique combination provides a savory and earthy taste profile with subtle notes of umami. The Shiitake mushrooms contribute to potential health benefits, such as supporting immune function, promoting cardiovascular health, and providing essential vitamins and minerals. Additionally, the coffee itself may offer antioxidant properties and a gentle energy boost.  Jitter-free, gentle on the tummy low-acid coffee enjoyment. Ideal for a freshly ground strong filter coffee and works for espresso.

Overall, organic gourmet Shiitake Mushroom coffee offers a flavorful and potentially health-boosting beverage option for those seeking a unique twist on their daily cup of coffee.

Shiitake mushroom coffee acidity level

The acidity level of the Shiitake coffee blend is no lower than pH 6.0 (most regular coffees are around 4.0-5.0*), thanks to our gentle, patented after-roast treatment of the coffee beans.

Shiitake in coffee

We've chosen organic Shiitake extract to craft this distinctive wellness blend. Pairing the flavor profiles of the mushrooms with a darker roast of coffee beans, we've found they complement each other seamlessly, creating a harmonious blend that feels truly enchanting!

Coffee beans from small farmers in Peru, roasted in Sweden

Craft roasted in small batches at our own micro roastery in Southern Sweden using Arabica coffee beans bought from small farmer organic cooperatives in Peru.

Organic Arabica coffee (98%), organic Shiitake extract (2%) (4540 mg per package).

Recommended dosage:
Measure 14 grams of Shiitake coffee for one cup of low-acid mushroom coffee for pour-over, filter or French Press coffee. 7g for single shot of espresso. We recommend two to four cups per day.

227 g / 8 oz. 16 cups per bag for filter (32 shots of single espresso).
Our Shiitake mushroom coffee is also available preground as filter or espresso ground.

*In coffee, while acidity in taste refers to the perceived sensory experience, pH acidity represents the actual chemical acidity measured. A low pH value means a higher acidity level, for example, pure water is neutral with a pH of 7.

The lower the acidity level in coffee, measured by pH, the more your body will appreciate a more balanced boost generated by a cup of coffee. In other words, low-acid coffee can be a preferable choice for people sensitive to high acidity in coffee or those seeking a gentler option for their digestive system.

Κατασκευαστής Rå Hygge
Κωδικός 5745000836123
Ποσότητα συσκευασίας 1
Βάρος 0.300000
Κωδικός παραγγελίας HYG-83612
Διατροφικές συνθήκες Μη γενετικά τροποποιημένο, Χωρίς γλουτένη, Βίγκαν
Ημερομηνία λήξης 14 Φεβ 2027
Is grouped Product Όχι
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