Shilajit FAQs

How should Mountaindrop be taken and in what quantities?

The product is traditionally taken once a day, dissolved in warm water, tea or milk with a temperature up to 39°C. Filtered and non-chlorinated water is recommended. The initial doses should be the size of a grain of wheat and later up to the size of a pea. Ghee (clarified butter), coconut butter or honey can also be added to the solution.

INTAKE: With a spoon, break off a piece of shilajit in the size of a grain of wheat or in the size of a pea and dissolve it in 200 ml of fluid. Shilajit dissolves fully within a few minutes. Stir and consume.

The recommended daily intake (0.2 to 0.6 g) should not be exceeded.

After three weeks of intake, a one-week break is recommended.

Shilajit can be used in a variety of ways! It is an excellent ingredient for regeneration drinks, smoothies and culinary specialties. It also works well with other dietary supplements and foodstuffs because it enhances their potential.